Tag: middle grade author

Interview with Victoria Piontek


About the Author: “Victoria Piontek is the author of The Spirit of Cattail County (Scholastic Press, 2018), a ghostly story of magic and friendship set in the Everglades. The Spirit

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Interview with Lisa Frenkel Riddiough


About the Author: “Lisa Frenkel Riddiough was a slow reader as a child and found it difficult to concentrate on almost all required reading. When given the choice, Lisa picked

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“Paths to Publishing” Series | Interview with Payal Doshi


About the Author: “Payal Doshi has a Masters in Creative Writing (Fiction) from The New School, New York. Having lived in the UK and US, she noticed a lack of

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MGM: The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding | Alexandra Bracken


Prosper Redding may come from a prosperous family, but his grandmother could be the devil in a gray suit, his own twin sister makes fun of him, his Algebra teacher

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Middle Grade Monday: Where the Watermelons Grow | Cindy Baldwin


On a farm in Maryville, North Carolina, Della Kelly’s dad grows the best watermelons around. Sweet, juicy, and crisp, they are Della’s favorite food to eat—until one night she finds

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MGM: Ghost Boys | Jewell Parker Rhodes


Jerome is just a boy. Or he was until he was shot. Jerome now roams the world as a ghost, forced to watch his family mourn and unable to speak

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