Tag: young adult author

Interview with Joan F. Smith


About the Author: “Joan F. Smith is the author of The Other Side of Infinity and The Half-Orphan’s Handbook, a dance instructor, and a former associate dean of creative writing.

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Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus Teaching Us More Than We Think


Moving schools for a 13 year-old is difficult enough as it is, but imagine moving to an entirely different state where you don’t know anyone AND to top it all

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Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus | Dusti Bowling


Aven is a witty, funny, loving 13-year-old girl who is forced to move halfway across the country to Arizona with her parents. She not only has to deal with being

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Interview with Dhonielle Clayton


I met Dhonielle Clayton over dinner at my boss’s house. This was, to be frank, a strange experience for me. The reality is that I’m a twenty-one-year-old college student, more

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“The Way We Love Here” from Meet Cute | Dhonielle Clayton


“The Way We Love Here” is a short story in the YA anthology, Meet Cute. Clayton’s short story is set on the island of Meridien, where their love is determined

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The Belles | Dhonielle Clayton


The Belles are the greatest treasure in Orleans. They are also sheltered young women, expected to use their arcana to reshape the people of their land into physical perfection.

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