Tag: Books with disability representation

“Paths to Publishing” Series | Interview with Grace Fell


About the interviewee: “Grace Fell has loved the book industry since she first submitted a manuscript to Reading Rainbow at age 8. Since then, her journey has looked different –

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Seven YA Novels That Explore Death and the Afterlife


Death is a heavy topic, one that causes many of us to feel a strange mix of anxiety and gross fascination. We know it will happen to everyone one day,

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7 More Books with Disability Representation


In August, our lovely staff here at Pine Reads Review reviewed five amazing young adult and children’s books with disability representation. But five books isn’t nearly enough to cover the

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5 Lesser-Known Books with Disability Representation


In recent years, diverse representation within Young Adult and Children’s literature has exploded. We are finally seeing the much needed stories of kids and teens from all walks of life:

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