Tag: books for queer readers

“Paths to Publishing” Series | Interview with Grace Fell


About the interviewee: “Grace Fell has loved the book industry since she first submitted a manuscript to Reading Rainbow at age 8. Since then, her journey has looked different –

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Seven YA Novels That Explore Death and the Afterlife


Death is a heavy topic, one that causes many of us to feel a strange mix of anxiety and gross fascination. We know it will happen to everyone one day,

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Superman Smashes The Klan | Gene Luen Yang


Superman Smashes The Klan by Gene Luen Yang; Art by Gurihiru; Lettering by Janice Chiang From DC Comics Publishing; 240 pages Content Warning: Racism, hate crimes, bullying, Nazis, Ku Klux

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Self-Made Boys: A Great Gatsby Remix | Anna-Marie McLemore


Self-Made Boys: A Great Gatsby Remix by Anna-Marie McLemore Coming September 6th, 2022 from Feiwel Friends; 336 pages About the author: “Anna-Marie McLemore (they/them) writes magical realism and fairy talesthat

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