Tag: science fiction

That’s a Wrap! | Staff Favorites of 2023


As we turn the last page of 2023, the staff here at Pine Reads Review can’t help but reminisce about our favorite new reads of the year. From mythology to

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8 YA Books for NaNoWriMo


November is National Novel Writing Month! The annual contest encourages writers to start drafting a new 50,000-word novel at the start of the month and finish it by November 30th.

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What We Harvest | Ann Fraistat


What We Harvest by Ann Fraistat Out Now from Delacorte Press; 336 pages Content Warnings: Animal violence, contagion, possession, blood, and gore violence. About the Author: “Ann Fraistat is an

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The Ones We’re Meant to Find | Did it Live Up to the Hype?


Warning: This blog contains spoilers for The Ones We’re Meant to Find by Joan He Joan He’s sophomore novel gained a lot of buzz online when the cover dropped, and

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