Tag: Mariko Tamaki

Seven Romance Recommendations for the Romance-Repulsed


Okay, maybe “repulsed” is too strong of a word, but if you’re anything like me, you don’t actively seek out rom-coms or read every single book featuring enemies-to-lovers or cry

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10 Great YA Books to Read During Pride Month


I know what you’re all thinking—it’s June, and that means it’s also Pride Month! Are you in the mood for some queer young adult literature to celebrate? Browse the titles

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Dismantling Toxic Relationships in Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me


Warning: This blog contains spoilers and a discussion of emotionally abusive relationships.  Written by Mariko Tamaki and illustrated by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell, Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me (2019, First

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