Tag: technology

Too Scared To Sleep | Andrew Duplessie


Too Scared to Sleep by Andrew Duplessie Coming October 12 from Clarion Books; 224 pages Content Warning: Gore, violence, parental death, cannibalism, murder About the Author: “Andrew Duplessie is a prolific

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Wild Souls | Faith Prince


Wild Souls by Faith Prince Out now Self-published through Amazon; 273 pages Content Warnings: Depiction of an abusive relationship, mentions of sexual assault, bullying, mentions of kidnapping/murder, and absent parents

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The Blood Trials | Nia “N.E.” Davenport


The Blood Trials by Nia “N.E.” Davenport Out now from Harper Voyager; 464 pages Content Warnings: Racism, xenophobia, misogyny, strong language/cursing, grief and mourning of a loved one, references to

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The Ones We’re Meant to Find | Did it Live Up to the Hype?


Warning: This blog contains spoilers for The Ones We’re Meant to Find by Joan He Joan He’s sophomore novel gained a lot of buzz online when the cover dropped, and

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Blood Like Magic | Liselle Sambury


Blood Like Magic by Liselle Sambury Coming June 15, 2021 from Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing; 496 pages Content Warnings: Whipping scene within the context of slavery, gun/police violence, discussion

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