My Plain Jane | Brody Ashton, Cynthia Hand and Jodi Meadows


My Plain Jane by Brody Ashton, Jodi Meadows and Cynthia Hand

Out now from HarperCollins Publishing; 447 pages

Trigger Warnings: N/A

About the Authors: These three spectacular New York Times best-selling authors call themselves the Lady Janies. Together they have written My Plain Jane, My Lady Jane and My Calamity Jane (out in 2020) as well as 20 other novels and a handful of novellas. This dynamic trio is made up of Cynthia Hand (author of the Unearthly series), Brodi Ashton (author of the Everneath series) and Jodi Meadows (author of the Incarnate series.)

Emily sat up. ‘But it’s not proper, Charlotte. You’re a girl. It’s not dignified to run about begging for a job.’ Charlotte’s chin lifted. ‘I would always rather be happy than dignified,’ she said, her cheerful tone returning, and out she went.”

With ghosts, love and the Bronte sisters, The Lady Janies have brought fans of the classic Jane Eyre story a new treasure. Charlotte Bronte cannot figure out her best friend Jane Eyre, but when the horrible Mr. Brocklehurst ends up dead, Ms. Bronte believes Jane might have done everyone a service. With her suspicions of Jane being the murderer, Charlotte decides to pursue a novel about the secretive and quiet Ms. Eyre who always seems to be talking to herself. No one knows that Jane Eyre can talk to ghosts, except for a man by the name of Alexander Blackwood who works for The Society for the Relocation of Wayward Spirits (SRWS.) When Alexander visits Lowood in hopes to recruit Jane, Charlotte is determined to join as well, woman or not.

In this witty and humorous new retelling of Jane Eyre, fans of the historic novel and the Bronte sisters will not be able to get enough!

PRR Writer, Elizabeth McCormick
