My Cat Looks Like My Dad | Thao Lam


My Cat Looks Like My Dad
By: Thao Lam
Owlkids Books (2019)
30 pages

Trigger Warnings: n/a

About the Author: Thao Lam studied art illustration at Sheridan College in Toronto and works as both an illustrator and an art buyer for an education publishing company. Thao is also well-known as the author of picture books Skunk on a String and Wallpaper. You can find more about her at

Instagram: thaohlam
Twitter: @thaolamdraws

Mom and Dad always say, family is what you make it.

            If you know a guinea pig that looks like your grandma, or a rabbit who resembles your brother, then this book is the story for you! In My Cat Looks Like My Dad, Thao Lam describes a family just like any other, where sometimes likenesses between members are more than just skin deep. The narrator describes to readers the similarities between their father and cat, who both like milk, sardines and long naps, among other things. Lam demonstrates the beautiful practice of comparing based on observation and learning from the world around you. 

            Artfully depicted through collage style, scrapbook reminiscent illustrations, this story provides readers with a goofy comparison of felines to fathers and a sweet twist ending told entirely through illustration. My Cat Looks Like My Dad is one not to miss, and it reminds readers that families can be composed of all types of species.
