I Am Arcana | Kristy Nicolle


I Am Arcana by Kristy Nicolle

Out now, self-published; 95 pages

Content Warnings: Abuse, Death, Sexism, Mentions of blood, Bullying, Suicide, Violence, Self-harm, Public execution 

About the Author: “Hi, I’m Kristy Nicolle, a 27-year-old British writer achieving freedom from the pain of my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome diagnosis by bringing fantasy worlds to life for my readers. I currently enjoy spending time in my fuzzy PJs with my kitty arch nemesis, Moo, and love all things mermaids, unicorns, and glitter! My books centre around high detail, high action fantasy worlds, full of badass female characters who love to get steamy.” (Bio taken from Goodreads profile)

Find Kristy Nicolle on the following platforms:

“There can be no better company / than the steady crackling fires / of one’s own soul” 

I Am Arcana is Kristy Nicolle’s debut poetry collection surrounding the Major Arcana cards of the traditional tarot deck. Each of the 22 cards is presented through three poems with a unique and personal interpretation that differs from the last. The collection mostly consists of short free-verse poems driven by overwhelming themes of feminine power, self-discovery, and nature. It is art that celebrates art as it weaves between the mystical world and the physical one.

While not specifically YA, I Am Arcana is a welcoming collection to young adult readers or anyone who is interested in reading poetry or the mystical world of tarot. I was completely enthralled by the collection’s emphasis on self-reflection and self-discovery through femininity and personal power. I felt that the whole collection was a celebration—a revival! The illustrations throughout were simple, yet beautiful, and completely in-tune with the writing—cosmic, archetypal, and deeply rooted in the natural world. While some of the poems felt less poetic and more like statements broken up into stanzas, which at some points interrupted the flow, the messages remained strong and intact. Overall, it was a beautiful and incredibly creative work. This collection is for anyone trying to reclaim their power, as it explores transformation and hardship as sources of personal and ancient strength.

PRR Writer, Bethany Harrison
