Dream a Little Dream of Me | Akira Varma


Self-published by Akira Varma; 115 pages

Content Warning: Loss of a loved one, isolation, depression, bullying

About the Author: “Akira is a fantasy, sci-fi, and romance enthusiast who would rather live in the world of mythical creatures than only dream about them. She began writing when Supernatural, Marvel, and Doctor Who — all the movies and shows she’ll gladly discuss with anyone who asks her — started killing off her favorite characters.

“And although she would love to write more in this section to sound interesting, she’s too much of an introvert to go outside and do anything else. When she’s not writing or reading, you’ll find her sitting in her sofa, crying over the new show or the new fictional character that might have broken her heart” (Bio from author’s website).

Find Akira Varma on the following platforms:

“Because when the world around you is changing at the pace it is in the short life you have, you need a rock for you to rely on.”

Since the beginning of time, Cupid has been bringing soulmates together through thick and thin. Over the years, he has become disenchanted with the presence of mortals. After a disagreement, Dream, another mythical being in the modern world, bets Cupid that he cannot bring two childhood best friends together. The real challenge: these two best friends are no longer close, for after a mystery event in their high school years, they hate each other. This obstacle would be easily conquered by Cupid, but a stipulation of the bet is that Cupid cannot use his legendary Seeds of Love magic that influences the love soulmates share for each other. Cupid can either find a way to get these two former friends together, or lose the bet against Dream.

I found myself greatly enjoying the simplicity and soft love that held true throughout this novella. Dream a Little Dream of Me encompasses the meaning of hope, trust, and letting pride and fear go. The personification of Dream and Cupid as immortals that walk among humanity gives the modern setting a mythical vibe that I quite enjoyed. Most of this story is told from Cupid’s point of view, making it interesting to see how he tries to both connect and distance himself from mortals to avoid creating bonds with them. Simultaneously, I loved the short insight into the thoughts and feelings of the other characters. I wished that Dream’s character had been more developed and given the chance for his choices to be explored more. On the other hand, I liked the development of Cupid’s character as he learns to open himself up to the world around him instead of hiding away. Cupid, like myself, is on the hunt for a good story, and he spends a lot of time reflecting on how the story he is witnessing through these childhood friends is the story he didn’t know he was missing. Cupid interacts with Dream in a way that shows both intense respect but also the ability to joke around, giving a lighthearted characterization to the two immortal beings. I found this aspect to be comforting, and I think Dream a Little Dream of Me was exactly what I needed for a cute, sometimes cheesy, break from reality.

Hannah Goerndt, Pine Reads Review Writer
