Category: Blog

Incarceration in YA


Prisons throughout history have been used to legally punish those who have committed a crime. When you think about prison your mind goes to a number of things such as

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The Many Colors of The Gilded Wolves


The Many Colors of The Gilded Wolves Diversity is a buzzword on everyone’s lips, but there’s not a lot of focus on what it does or should mean. It’s a

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Novels and their Evil Twins


Book to Film adaptations failing to make it big, is no secret. Some reach success such as Harry Potter by J.K Rowling, Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and Twilight by

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Long Way Down: A Window to Social Awareness


Long Way Down: A Window to Social Awareness Author: Jason Reynolds I first read Jason Reynold’s novel in verse Long Way Down a few months ago for one of my

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The Unconventional Truth About Teenage Romance in “Modern” YA


We all know what it’s like to stare at the jock across the room in class and wonder what it would be like to instantly become popular—from being at the

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Cookbooks for Kids, Part 2


Last week we talked about children’s cookbooks, and how fun they can be. Over the course of searching for a culinary book designed for kids, I had tried to focus

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